Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sky-high about my latest business tool!

We’ve all heard about ‘raving brand champions’ – ordinary customers who become vocal supporters of a company or its products. Well, right now at 36,000 feet above central Canada, I’ve become one myself.

The product? The remarkably simple AviatorTM Laptop Stand – a collapsible gizmo that packs flat in your briefcase (1/2 inch thick by about 12 inches long), but elevates your computer while angling it forward to a more ergonomically correct position. The result? You can type comfortably without hunching over.

I got it online at www.keynomics.com for $19.95 US; total price when shipped via UPS was 33 bucks.

The jury’s still out on whether it will help me ‘work smarter’ (as the instructions claim), but it sure feels a lot better!

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